
Bat Conservation Specialists

Urban Bats


Bats in Buildings

Bats in Buildings are Vulnerable

Minor 'nuisance' issues can quickly turn into major problems, largely as a result of misinformation. (…See Management...)

Bat Management Solutions

FBN is dedicated to preventing ‘urban bat’ problems through public education and active bat management designed to help people and bats (…See Management...)

Our efforts to prevent further decline of urban bat populations began in 1993 and include teaming with Bat Conservation International to create the Bats In Buildings Program, co-authoring Bats in Buildings: An Information and Exclusion Guide and (…See Management...).

**New** Florida Rule Protects Bats

(…See Management...)

Bat Houses

Bat Houses

Habitat for Bats

****Bats Need Bat Houses

Like all real estate the keys to a successful bat house are architecture and location.

Our bat house design is based on long-term research that began in 1992 when FBN founder, Laura Finn, was working on her Master’s degree at the University of Central Florida. The FBN design was first approved by local bats in 1993 and our bat house was one of the first certified as ‘Bat Approved’ by Bat Conservation International (1999).

Over 25 years later, our work with bat houses continues and the design continues to improve (… See Bat Houses….)

Our Hurricane Resistant installation method was developed in cooperation with NASA engineers.

**New** Snake Guards and Safety Nets



Inventory and Monitoring

Research projects conducted by FBN include species inventories; population and activity monitoring; population management and experimental roost design.

General project locations include National Parks, National Forests, Conservation Areas and military facilities in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and the Caribbean.(....See Research….)

Thanks to TNC, BCI and our many volunteers, long-term population research that began in 1993 with the southern-most colony of southeastern big-eared bats (BEB), is among the most comprehensive in the country. (....See Research…. )

"Our Mission to Help Bats, is Largely Achieved by Helping People Who Need Help With Bats"
Laura Finn, FBN Co-Founder.

Need Help With Anything Bat Related?
Contact Us
Fly By Night, Inc.: The Bat Specialists
P.O.Box 562
Osteen, FL 32764-0562
Phone: 407-414-2142
E-mail Us

© Fly By Night, Inc.